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  Home>>Biodegradable Disaster Bag
Biodegradable Disaster Bag 

Model number:YHMBB2
Product name:biodegradable corpse bag

Bag size:220cm*90cm*0.32mm
Material:PP woven fabric & PE film 
Zipper:U zipper style with #5 zipper
Load Capacity:150KG~350KG

Evaluation of the Oxo-biodegradable Characteristics of corpse bags:

It is always difficult to precisely quantify results obtained in terms of real-time degradation due to the vagaries of natural conditions. However, the Arrhenius princeiples that we have applied to the accelerated ageing results en able us to present the results that would be expected from ageing a real environment at a constant temperature of 20 Celsius. 

We also can make it according to customers' requirments.

For further information about biodegradable bags, please click
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